全球電池製造建設計劃(2024年第四季):Project Insight

全球電池製造建設計劃(2024年第四季):Project Insight

Project Insight - Global Battery Construction Projects (Q4 2024)

出版日期: | 出版商: GlobalData | 英文 29 Pages | 訂單完成後即時交付




目前全球電池製造建設項目總額為 5,060 億美元(包括從宣佈到實施階段的所有項目)。亞太地區所佔佔有率最高,專案儲備總額為 2,630 億美元,超過美洲(1,270 億美元)。中國以 2,020 億美元的投資引領電池革命,其次是美國,投資額為 1,100 億美元。目前有 2,670 億美元的活躍項目和 1,685 億美元的項目處於規劃階段。早期項目或預先規劃(公告和研究)項目總計500億美元,預先執行(設計、招標和授標)項目總計190億美元。



  • 全球概要
  • 南北美洲
  • 歐洲,中東·非洲(EMEA)
  • 亞太地區
Product Code: GDCN0321PI

This report provides a detailed analysis of battery construction projects globally, based on projects tracked by GlobalData.

GlobalData is currently tracking global battery construction projects with a total value of $506 billion (including all projects from announced to execution stage). The Asia-Pacific region accounts for the highest share, with a combined project pipeline valued at $263 billion, ahead of the Americas ($127 billion). China is leading the battery revolution with $202 billion worth of investments, followed by the US with $110 billion. Projects in execution amount to $267 billion, while projects currently in the planning stage amount to $168.5 billion; early-stage projects - those at the pre-planning stage (announced and study) - total $50 billion, while projects in the pre-execution stages (design, tender and award) account for $19 billion


  • The report provides analysis based on GlobalData's construction projects showing total project values and analysis by stage and funding for all regions. The top 20 projects per region are listed giving country, stage, value of projects. Ranked listings of the key operators for the sector are also provided showing the leading contractors, consulting engineers and project owners.

Reasons to Buy

  • Gain insight into the development of the battery construction sector.
  • Assess all major projects by value, start date, scope and stage of development globally, for the regions to support business development activities.
  • Plan campaigns by country based on specific project opportunities and align resources to the most attractive markets.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

  • Global Overview
  • Americas
  • Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA)
  • Asia-Pacific