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全球啤酒市場:2025-2030 年預測Global Beer Market - Forecasts from 2025 to 2030 |
全球啤酒市場預計將以 4.62% 的複合年成長率成長,從 2025 年的 8,320.12 億美元成長到 2030 年的 1,4299.30 億美元。
啤酒是一種在世界各地廣泛消費的酒精飲料。它是由穀類、水、穀物和酵母發酵一定時間而製成的。通常添加香草和水果以賦予其獨特的味道和香氣。啤酒的酒精含量根據風格和成分的不同從低於 3% 到 40% (ABV) 不等。適量飲用啤酒已被證明有助於減少心臟和循環系統疾病,如動脈硬化、心絞痛、中風和心臟病發作。
與其他酒精飲料相比,啤酒擁有較大的市場佔有率,並因其多樣化的配方、口味和口味而受到千禧世代和 Z 世代的歡迎。最初,風味啤酒主要在歐洲和北美消費,但近年來,對風味啤酒的需求在全球擴大,為整個啤酒產業帶來了顯著的效益。開發中國家採用創新釀造技術也對消費習慣產生正面影響。此外,顧客對新穎、多樣化、美味的產品的要求越來越高,這正在推動啤酒市場的擴張。
同樣,歐洲釀酒商協會在報告中表示,該地區活躍釀酒廠數量從 2021 年的 12,738 家增加到 2022 年的 12,879 家。該組織進一步預測,到 2022 年,法國將擁有該地區最多的釀酒廠,約有 2,500 家活躍釀酒廠,其次是英國和德國,分別有 1,830 家和 1,507 家釀酒廠。
預計歐洲將佔據最大佔有率。啤酒是許多歐洲國家文化的重要組成部分。歐盟是世界上最重要的啤酒生產地區之一。據歐洲釀酒商協會稱,2022 年啤酒產量為 401,945,000 百公升。歐洲是啤酒和其他酒精飲料的最大生產國和消費國之一。德國、英國、法國和西班牙等國家是世界上最大的啤酒生產國。
The global beer market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 4.62%, from US$832.012 billion in 2025 to US$1,042.93 billion in 2030.
Beer is a widely consumed alcoholic beverage around the world. It's made by the fermentation of cereal, water, grains, and yeast for a specific amount of time. Herbs and fruits are frequently added to the drink to give it a distinctive taste and fragrance. Beer has an alcohol concentration that ranges from less than 3% to 40% by volume (ABV), depending on the style and ingredients used in the formulation. When consumed in moderation, beer has been demonstrated to help reduce heart and circulatory system diseases such as atherosclerosis, angina, stroke, and heart attack.
Beer, when compared to other alcoholic beverages, has a significant market share and is growing in popularity among millennials and Gen Z, thanks to its diverse formulations, flavors, and taste offerings. Initially, flavored beer was primarily consumed in Europe and North America, but its demand has been expanding worldwide in recent years, significantly benefiting the total beer industry. The introduction of innovative brewing technologies in developing nations has also positively impacted consumption habits. Furthermore, customers are increasingly seeking novel, varied, and delicious products, driving the beer market's expansion.
Several primary reasons, including an increase in breweries worldwide and the rising global beer demand, are driving the global beer market. Additionally, the popularity of low-alcohol beverages has risen steadily, and revenues of no-alcohol and limited beer have increased in conjunction with the growing demand from health-conscious consumers. Changing consumer tastes as a result of the new products are also predicted to boost market expansion over the forecast period. Another motivator is that low-alcohol beers are now less expensive than their high-alcohol counterparts, particularly those with an ABV of 2.8 percent or less. The situation is particularly prevalent in European countries such as Sweden, where brewers are attempting to improve the low alcohol by-product. However, provincial legislation restricting beer promotion stifles the entire market's expansion.
Global beer market drivers
The increase in the global breweries of beer is expected to propel the production and demand for beer. A brewery is a company or business which produces various types of beers. The Brewers Association of the USA, in its report, stated that the total count of breweries in the nation witnessed an increase over the past few years. The association stated that in 2021, the total brewery in the nation was recorded at about 9,384, of which about 9,210 were craft brewers. The total brewery count in the country increased to 9,824 in 2022, with about 9,675 craft breweries. In 2023, the association stated that in the USA, the total count of brewers reached 9,906, an increase of about 0.8% over the past year, which included about 9,761 craft breweries.
Similarly, in its report, the Brewers of Europe stated that the region's count of active breweries was recorded at 12,879 in 2022, which increased from 12,738 breweries in 2021. The agency further stated that in 2022, France had the highest number of brewers in the region, with about 2,500 active breweries, followed by the UK and Germany, having 1,830 and 1,507 breweries, respectively.
Global beer market geographical outlook
The largest proportion is projected to be held by Europe. Beer is an important part of the culture in many European countries. The European Union is one of the world's most important beer-producing regions. As per the Brewers of Europe, 401,945 thousand hectoliters of beer were produced in 2022. Europe is among the biggest producers and consumers of beer and other alcoholic beverages. Countries like Germany, the UK, France, and Spain are home to some of the world's biggest beer producers.
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