

Virtual Events - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2025 - 2030)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 130 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內




虛擬活動市場規模預計在 2025 年為 151.4 億美元,預計到 2030 年將達到 250.6 億美元,預測期內(2025-2030 年)的複合年成長率為 10.6%。




  • 虛擬活動的快速轉變刺激了虛擬活動技術的創新和改進。每個平台都開始整合更先進的功能,例如虛擬實境(VR)、擴增實境(AR)、人工智慧主導的網路和增強的互動工具,以重現親臨現場的活動體驗。
  • 近年來,隨著先進技術的不斷普及,虛擬活動市場經歷了顯著成長。其中包括整合通訊即服務(UCaaS)、虛擬實境 (VR)、人工智慧 (AI)、高速網路連線等。這些進步豐富了虛擬事件體驗,解決了互動和參與度有限等挑戰,為沉浸式和互動式數位環境鋪平了道路。
  • 科技的進步使得舉辦虛擬活動變得比以往任何時候都更加容易。可靠的視訊會議平台、互動式虛擬環境和網路工具提高了虛擬活動的整體體驗和參與度。公司正在利用這些技術進步為觀眾提供身臨其境、互動的虛擬體驗。
  • 隨著虛擬平台的採用率飆升,資料安全和隱私已成為虛擬活動市場最受關注的問題。虛擬活動世界的可及性和便利性推動了其日益成長的受歡迎程度,但它也使與會者和組織者面臨一系列網路威脅。在當今數位優先的環境中,虛擬平台經常處理敏感資料,例如與會者資訊、付款詳情和專有業務內容,凸顯了先進的安全和隱私措施的重要性。
  • 在後疫情時代,這些技術的使用變得民主化,提供價格合理的網路研討會和虛擬活動,以滿足各種規模組織的需求。影片內容對於提高觀眾參與度和增加觀看時間至關重要。這種向數位化活動的變革性轉變為未來幾年需求的成長奠定了基礎。 Zoom Video Communications, Inc. 預測,到 2025 年,網路研討會和虛擬活動的數量將增加十倍,收益將比疫情前飆升五倍。



  • 隨著企業擴大採用數位平台進行溝通、協作和舉辦活動,虛擬活動市場的企業部門正在經歷顯著成長。虛擬活動為企業提供了一種經濟高效、可擴展且靈活的方式來舉辦會議、網路研討會、會議、產品發布會、企業培訓等。此外,全球向混合工作模式的轉變,加上對永續商業實踐日益成長的興趣,正在推動企業採用虛擬活動解決方案。
  • 企業界全心全意地接受了虛擬聚會。隨著數位轉型重塑商業格局,虛擬活動的世界正經歷普及度和採用度的激增。這一趨勢的主要促進因素是高速網際網路、視訊串流和虛擬實境的進步。公司將虛擬活動用於多種目的,從舉辦國際會議到舉辦虛擬招聘會。
  • 混合和虛擬活動已從疫情期間的臨時解決方案演變為企業活動的重要組成部分。會議 SaaS 提供者 Cvent 進行的一項調查發現,73% 的活動策劃者計劃在 2024 年舉辦更多混合活動,而 2023 年則不會。此外,永續性和社會責任在企業活動策劃者中越來越受到重視。線上活動票務平台 Eventbrite 的一項調查顯示,84% 的活動策劃者正在積極為其活動實施永續性措施。
  • 資料和分析在塑造企業活動中發揮關鍵作用。活動策劃者不僅使用資料來評估活動的成功,而且還使用數據來指導未來聚會的決策。例如,資料可以揭示出席率、參與度和投資收益(ROI),以及揭示與會者行為的趨勢和模式。有了這些資料,規劃人員可以讓即將舉行的活動更具吸引力、更有效。
  • 混合活動正在成為主流。我們預計,相當一部分企業活動將採用混合模式,既能容納現場與會者,也能容納虛擬與會者。永續性已成為首要任務。活動策劃者致力於盡量減少活動對環境的影響並積極支持當地社區。資料和分析對於企業虛擬活動來說已變得至關重要。正在利用 AR、VR、AI 和區塊鏈等先進技術為與會者創造更具吸引力和身臨其境的體驗。
  • 這些趨勢表明,企業活動正在變得更加混合、永續、個人化、資料主導和技術先進。接受這些變化的活動策劃者將在不斷發展的企業活動世界中取得成功。


  • 由於技術進步、商業文化的變化以及全球事件的影響,亞太地區對虛擬活動的需求激增。網路研討會、線上會議、展覽會和虛擬展覽等虛擬活動已成為亞太地區企業、教育機構和組織不可或缺的一部分。
  • 通訊技術的快速進步極大地促進了亞太地區虛擬活動的發展。高速網路、行動裝置的普及以及雲端基礎的平台的普及使得組織更容易舉辦和參與虛擬活動。隨著亞太地區許多企業擁抱數位轉型,虛擬活動解決方案已成為其業務的自然延伸。該地區精通技術的人口也使得向虛擬平台的過渡變得無縫。
  • 例如,2024年4月,上海虛擬體育公開賽(SVS)宣布了中國首個綜合性虛擬體育賽事的計畫。此市級數位體育計畫紮根於上海,將傳統體育與數位領域融合。利用先進的模擬設備和線上競賽平台,我們將推出高爾夫、自行車、滑雪、划船和賽車五項虛擬運動。
  • 同樣,看到對虛擬活動的需求不斷成長,許多公司正在推出新的虛擬活動平台以增加其市場佔有率。例如,電通集團宣布,將於2023年9月改造元宇宙基礎設施系統“xambr”,並將其作為在大型活動中推廣元宇宙的平台,首先在虛擬會場“TOKYO GAME SHOW VR 2023”上使用。這些新興市場的發展不斷擴大,帶動了整體市場的發展。






  • Excel 格式的市場預測 (ME) 表
  • 3 個月的分析師支持


第 1 章 簡介

  • 研究假設和市場定義
  • 研究範圍



第4章 市場洞察

  • 市場概況
  • 產業吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 供應商的議價能力
    • 消費者議價能力
    • 新進入者的威脅
    • 替代品的威脅
    • 競爭對手之間的競爭強度
  • 產業價值鏈分析
  • 評估新冠疫情和宏觀經濟趨勢對市場的影響

第5章 市場動態

  • 市場促進因素
    • 統一通訊即服務 (UCAAS)、VR 接受度不斷提高等技術進步。
    • 商業活動頻率增加
    • 全球影響力、可及性和成本效益
  • 市場限制
    • 資料安全和隱私問題
    • 技術和經驗限制

第6章 市場細分

  • 按服務類型
    • 通訊
    • 人才招聘
    • 銷售與行銷
    • 訓練
  • 按應用
    • 會議
    • 展覽/展覽會
    • 高峰會
    • 其他
  • 按最終用戶產業
    • 教育機構
    • 企業
    • 組織
    • 其他
  • 按地區
    • 北美洲
    • 歐洲
    • 亞洲
    • 澳洲和紐西蘭
    • 拉丁美洲
    • 中東和非洲

第7章 競爭格局

  • 公司簡介
    • 6Connex International sp. zoo
    • Alive Events Agency
    • Zoom Video Communications Inc.
    • Avaya LLC
    • vFair
    • ALE International
    • NTT DATA Group Corporation
    • Cisco Systems Inc.
    • Cvent Inc.
    • EventX Limited
    • George P. Johnson
    • Airmeet Inc.
    • Microsoft Corporation



Product Code: 72409

The Virtual Events Market size is estimated at USD 15.14 billion in 2025, and is expected to reach USD 25.06 billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 10.6% during the forecast period (2025-2030).

Virtual Events - Market - IMG1

A virtual event, also known as an online event, virtual conference, or livestream, is an event that interests people interacting in an online environment. These events use digital platforms to host various activities, such as presentations, workshops, networking sessions, and entertainment. Virtual events range from small meetings and webinars to large-scale conferences and trade shows. They leverage tools like video conferencing, live streaming, and interactive features to engage participants and replicate the experience of in-person events.

Key Highlights

  • The rapid shift to virtual events spurred innovation and improvements in virtual event technologies. Platforms integrated more advanced features such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), AI-driven networking, and enhanced interactive tools to replicate the in-person event experience.
  • In recent years, the virtual events market has experienced significant growth, driven by the rising adoption of advanced technologies. These include Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS), Virtual Reality (VR), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and high-speed internet connectivity. Such advancements have enriched the virtual event experience and tackled challenges like limited interaction and engagement, paving the way for immersive and interactive digital environments.
  • Technological advances have made it easier than ever to host virtual events. Reliable video conferencing platforms, interactive virtual environments, and networking tools have improved the overall experience and engagement levels during virtual events. Businesses use these technological advancements to create immersive and interactive virtual experiences for their audiences.
  • As the adoption of virtual platforms surges, data security and privacy have become paramount concerns in the virtual events market. While the global accessibility and convenience of virtual events fuel their rising popularity, they simultaneously expose participants and organizers to many cyber threats. In today's digital-first landscape, virtual platforms frequently handle sensitive data, including attendee information, payment details, and proprietary business content, underscoring the critical importance of advanced security and privacy measures.
  • The post-COVID landscape has democratized access to these technologies, with affordable webinars and virtual events catering to organizations of all sizes. Video content is becoming essential for boosting audience engagement and prolonging viewing times. This transformative shift towards digitized events has set the stage for heightened demand in the coming years. Zoom Video Communications, Inc. forecasts that by 2025, the number of webinars and virtual events will increase tenfold, with revenues soaring to five times their pre-pandemic levels.

Virtual Events Market Trends

Enterprises to be the Largest End Users

  • As businesses increasingly adopt digital platforms for communication, collaboration, and event hosting, the enterprise segment of the virtual event market has experienced notable growth. Virtual events provide enterprises with a cost-effective, scalable, and flexible approach to conducting meetings, webinars, conferences, product launches, and corporate training sessions. Additionally, the global shift towards hybrid work models, coupled with an intensified focus on sustainable business practices, is driving the adoption of virtual event solutions within enterprises.
  • The corporate sector is wholeheartedly embracing virtual gatherings. As digital transformation reshapes the business landscape, the global popularity and adoption of virtual events have surged. Key drivers of this trend include advancements in high-speed internet, video streaming, and virtual reality. Companies are utilizing virtual events for a wide range of purposes, from hosting international conferences to organizing virtual job fairs.
  • Hybrid and virtual events have evolved from temporary solutions during the pandemic to becoming essential components of the corporate events landscape. A survey conducted by Cvent, a software-as-a-service provider for meetings, found that 73% of event planners plan to increase their hybrid event hosting in 2024 compared to 2023. Furthermore, sustainability and social responsibility are gaining prominence among corporate event planners. A study by Eventbrite, an online event ticketing platform, revealed that 84% of event planners are actively implementing sustainability measures for their events.
  • Data and analytics are playing a crucial role in shaping corporate events. Event planners utilize data not only to assess the success of their events but also to guide decisions for future gatherings. For example, data can shed light on attendance rates, engagement levels, and return on investment (ROI), as well as reveal trends and patterns in attendee behavior. By leveraging this data, planners can ensure that future events are both more engaging and effective.
  • Hybrid events are on track to become the norm. A significant portion of corporate events is expected to adopt a hybrid model, accommodating both in-person and virtual attendees. Sustainability is emerging as a top priority. Event planners are focusing on minimizing their events' environmental impact and actively supporting local communities. Data and analytics are becoming indispensable for corporate virtual events. Advanced technologies such as AR, VR, AI, and blockchain are being utilized to create more engaging and immersive experiences for attendees.
  • These trends suggest that corporate events are evolving to be more hybrid, sustainable, personalized, data-driven, and technologically advanced. Event planners who embrace these changes are poised to succeed in the evolving landscape of corporate events.

Asia Pacific to Register Major Growth

  • The demand for virtual events in the Asia-Pacific has been surging, driven by advancements in technology, a shift in business culture, and the impact of global events. Virtual events, including webinars, online conferences, trade shows, and virtual exhibitions, have become essential for companies, educational institutions, and organizations across the region.
  • The rapid advancement in communication technologies has significantly contributed to the growth of virtual events in the Asia-Pacific. High-speed internet, widespread adoption of mobile devices, and the increasing penetration of cloud-based platforms have made it easier for organizations to host and participate in virtual events. Many businesses in Asia Pacific have adopted digital transformation, and virtual event solutions have become a natural extension of their operations. The region's tech-savvy population also makes the transition to virtual platforms seamless.
  • For instance, in April 2024, the Shanghai Virtual Sports Open (SVS) unveiled plans for China's inaugural comprehensive virtual sports event. This city-owned digital sports initiative, rooted in Shanghai, merges traditional sports with the digital realm. Utilizing advanced simulation equipment and online competition platforms, the event showcases five virtual sports: golf, cycling, skiing, rowing, and car racing.
  • Again, looking at the growing demand for virtual events, many companies are launching new virtual event platforms to increase their market share. For instance, in September 2023, Dentsu Group Inc. announced that the company updated its metaverse infrastructure system "xambr", which would provide it as a platform for promoting the metaverse at large-scale events, beginning with its use in the virtual venue "TOKYO GAME SHOW VR 2023'. Such developments are continuously growing in the market, which drives the overall market.

Virtual Events Industry Overview

The competitive rivalry between various firms in the market studied depends on prices, products, market shares, and the intensity with which they compete against one another.

The virtual events market is fiercely competitive, with numerous mid-sized and large players offering domestic and international solutions. While the market shows moderate concentration, key players employ product innovations and mergers & acquisitions strategies to outpace competitors and broaden their geographical footprint.

Innovation can give companies a sustainable competitive advantage. Market players are adopting powerful strategies based on product differentiation and expansion. The big companies strongly influence the market through R&D, collaborations, and consolidation activities. Conversely, the market can be characterized by high levels of penetration and increasing fragmentation.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.2.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.2.2 Bargaining Power of Consumers
    • 4.2.3 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.2.4 Threat of Substitute Products
    • 4.2.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.3 Industry Value Chain Analysis
  • 4.4 Assessment of the Impact of COVID-19 and Macroeconomic Trends on the Market


  • 5.1 Market Drivers
    • 5.1.1 Technology Advancements such as Growing Acceptance of Unified Communication as a Service (UCAAS), VR, etc.
    • 5.1.2 Increased Frequency of Business Events
    • 5.1.3 Global Reach, Accessibility, and Cost Efficiency
  • 5.2 Market Restraints
    • 5.2.1 Data Security and Privacy Issues
    • 5.2.2 Technology Constraints and Experiential Limitations


  • 6.1 By Service Type
    • 6.1.1 Communication
    • 6.1.2 Recruitment
    • 6.1.3 Sales and Marketing
    • 6.1.4 Training
  • 6.2 By Application
    • 6.2.1 Conferences
    • 6.2.2 Exhibitions/Trade Shows
    • 6.2.3 Summits
    • 6.2.4 Other Applications
  • 6.3 By End-User Industry
    • 6.3.1 Educational Institutions
    • 6.3.2 Enterprise
    • 6.3.3 Organizations
    • 6.3.4 Other End-User Industries
  • 6.4 By Geography
    • 6.4.1 North America
    • 6.4.2 Europe
    • 6.4.3 Asia
    • 6.4.4 Australia and New Zealand
    • 6.4.5 Latin America
    • 6.4.6 Middle East and Africa


  • 7.1 Company Profiles
    • 7.1.1 6Connex International sp. z.o.o.
    • 7.1.2 Alive Events Agency
    • 7.1.3 Zoom Video Communications Inc.
    • 7.1.4 Avaya LLC
    • 7.1.5 vFair
    • 7.1.6 ALE International
    • 7.1.7 NTT DATA Group Corporation
    • 7.1.8 Cisco Systems Inc.
    • 7.1.9 Cvent Inc.
    • 7.1.10 EventX Limited
    • 7.1.11 George P. Johnson
    • 7.1.12 Airmeet Inc.
    • 7.1.13 Microsoft Corporation