歐洲電子貨架標籤市場預測至 2030 年 - 區域分析 - 按組件、硬體、產品類型、商店類型和通訊技術

歐洲電子貨架標籤市場預測至 2030 年 - 區域分析 - 按組件、硬體、產品類型、商店類型和通訊技術

Europe Electronic Shelf Label Market Forecast to 2030 - Regional Analysis - by Components, Hardware, Product Type, Store Type, and Communication Technology

出版日期: | 出版商: The Insight Partners | 英文 107 Pages | 訂單完成後即時交付




為了增加智慧零售應用的成熟技術,零售店的價格標籤和商品管理可以依靠電子價簽進行即時更新。與傳統紙質標籤相比,電子價簽減少了定價錯誤的發生,同時支持商店對價格變化獲得快速反應機制。 ESL可以無線遠端訪問,實現大量資料的訪問​​,確保庫存管理。此外,這些配置還可以在特定產品即將到期時發送自動通知。因此,電子價簽作為資訊展示和產品定價的主要解決方案,與工業4.0的自動化和智慧管理完美契合。 ESL 中的物聯網應用有助於使用者進行即時更新。工業4.0將協助零售業進行預測分析和即時訊息,從而將規劃和分配的步驟提升到一個新的水平。由於客戶期望不斷變化,零售業期待利用工業 4.0 來擁抱不斷成長的商業模式、數位化和價值鏈,這將進一步推動 ESL 解決方案的採用並推動市場成長。


強大的經濟和製造能力是歐洲的特徵。法國、德國、義大利、俄羅斯、英國等歐洲國家是歐洲電子貨架標籤市場的主要貢獻者。歐洲地區包括機械設備、零售、紙漿和造紙、汽車、製藥等多個主要行業。在歐洲市場,數位化在雜貨店中扮演重要角色。歐洲境內最大的零售公司包括 Ahold Delhaize、REWE Joint、Tesco PLC、IKEA Group、Inditex、LVMH Moet Hennessy-Louis Vuitton SA、Carrefour 和 Auchan Holding SA 等。上述零售企業群包括超市、大賣場和專賣店。此外,上述零售店均屬於該地區排名前 25 名的零售商;因此,先進物聯網技術的安裝將獲得強勁動力。此外,夫妻店和街角商店等小型零售貿易商一直是該地區樂觀的企業家。由於大眾購買能力不斷增強,該地區不斷出現一些新的商店和零售店。歐洲的零售市場並不同質,因此該地區多個國家處於不同的零售發展階段。德國、法國和英國是成熟的零售市場,俄羅斯和土耳其仍被認為處於發展階段。超過一半的歐洲零售業由德國、英國和法國主導。此外,捷克、俄羅斯和波蘭的零售業處於新興階段,過去幾年見證了不同新零售商的進入,因此零售業將繼續發展。此外,各公司正在採取新措施來增加對電子貨架標籤的需求。例如,2023年7月,IKEA與SES-imagotag合作,在其歐洲門市推出其創新的VUSION智慧電子貨架標籤和物聯網雲端平台。因此,隨著零售業的發展,對電子貨架標籤的需求也在增加。

歐洲電子貨架標籤市場收入及 2030 年預測(百萬美元)



根據組件,歐洲電子貨架標籤市場分為硬體和軟體及服務。到 2022 年,硬體細分市場將在歐洲電子貨架標籤市場中佔據更大佔有率。

從產品類型來看,歐洲電子貨架標籤市場分為電子紙ESL和LCD ESL。到 2022 年,電子紙細分市場將在歐洲電子貨架標籤市場中佔據更大佔有率。

根據商店類型,歐洲電子貨架標籤市場分為大賣場、超市、專賣店、非食品零售店等。 2022 年,大賣場細分市場在歐洲電子貨架標籤市場中佔據最大佔有率。

在通訊技術方面,歐洲電子貨架標籤市場分為射頻、近場通訊、紅外線等。 2022年,射頻部分在歐洲電子貨架標籤市場中佔據最大佔有率。

按國家/地區分類,歐洲電子貨架標籤市場分為德國、英國、法國、義大利、俄羅斯和歐洲其他地區。 2022年,德國主導歐洲電子貨架標籤市場。

標籤巢;顯示數據有限公司;松下控股公司; M2C通訊DOO;漢朔科技; Opticon Sensors Europe BV; Ses Imagotag SA;三星電機有限公司;迪堡德利多富公司;和 Pricer AB 是歐洲電子貨架標籤市場上的一些領先公司。


第 1 章:簡介

第 2 章:執行摘要

  • 重要見解
  • 市場吸引力

第 3 章:研究方法

  • 覆蓋範圍
  • 二次研究
  • 初步研究

第 4 章:歐洲電子貨架標籤市場格局

  • 概述
  • 生態系分析
    • 價值鏈供應商名單

第 5 章:歐洲電子貨架標籤市場 - 主要產業動態

  • 歐洲電子貨架標籤市場 - 主要產業動態
  • 市場促進因素
    • 在整個零售價值鏈中快速採用改變遊戲規則的技術
    • 超市/大賣場的成長
    • 市場利害關係人策略舉措的增加
  • 市場限制
    • ESL 的缺點
  • 市場機會
    • 融合工業4.0實現自動化與智慧管理
    • 5G技術的到來
  • 未來的趨勢
    • 無電池解決方案的出現
  • 促進因素和限制的影響:

第 6 章:電子貨架標籤市場 - 歐洲市場分析

  • 電子貨架標籤市場收入,2022 - 2030
  • 電子貨架標籤市場預測與分析

第 7 章:歐洲電子貨架標籤市場分析 - 組件

  • 硬體
    • 概述
    • 硬體市場、收入和 2030 年預測
    • 顯示器
      • 概述
      • 顯示器市場、收入與 2030 年預測
    • 收發器
      • 概述
      • 收發器市場、收入與 2030 年預測
    • 微處理器
      • 概述
      • 微處理器市場、收入與 2030 年預測
    • 電池
      • 概述
      • 電池市場、收入與 2030 年預測
    • 其他
      • 概述
      • 其他市場、收入和 2030 年預測
  • 軟體和服務
    • 概述
    • 軟體和服務市場、收入和 2030 年預測

第 8 章:歐洲電子貨架標籤市場分析 - 產品類型

  • 以電子紙為基礎的 ESL
    • 概述
    • 基於電子紙的 ESL 市場、收入和 2030 年預測
  • 液晶電子標籤
    • 概述
    • LCD ESL 市場、收入和 2030 年預測

第 9 章:歐洲電子貨架標籤市場分析 - 商店類型

  • 大型超市
    • 概述
    • 大型超商市場收入及 2030 年預測
  • 超市場
    • 概述
    • 超商市場收入及 2030 年預測
  • 專賣店
    • 概述
    • 專賣店市場收入及 2030 年預測
  • 非食品零售店
    • 概述
    • 非食品零售商店市場收入及 2030 年預測
  • 其他
    • 概述
    • 其他市場收入及 2030 年預測

第 10 章:歐洲電子貨架標籤市場分析 - 技術

  • 無線電頻率
    • 概述
    • 射頻市場收入及 2030 年預測
  • 近場通訊
    • 概述
    • 近場通訊市場收入及 2030 年預測
  • 紅外線的
    • 概述
    • 紅外線市場收入及 2030 年預測
  • 其他
    • 概述
    • 其他市場收入及 2030 年預測

第 11 章:歐洲電子貨架標籤市場 - 國家分析

  • 歐洲
    • 德國
    • 英國
    • 法國
    • 義大利
    • 俄羅斯
    • 歐洲其他地區

第 12 章:產業格局

  • 概述
  • 市場主動性
  • 新產品開發

第 13 章:公司簡介

  • LabelNest
  • Displaydata Ltd
  • Panasonic Holdings Corp
  • M2C Communication DOO
  • Hanshow Technology
  • Opticon Sensors Europe BV
  • Ses Imagotag SA
  • Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co Ltd
  • Diebold Nixdorf, Incorporated
  • Pricer AB

第 14 章:附錄

Product Code: TIPRE00018137

The Europe electronic shelf label market is expected to grow from US$ 634.85 million in 2022 to US$ 2,469.72 million by 2030. It is estimated to record a CAGR of 18.5% from 2022 to 2030.

Integration of Industry 4.0 for Automation and Smart Management Drives Europe Electronic Shelf Label Market

To increase mature technology for smart retailing applications, price labeling and merchandise management in retail stores can depend on ESLs to have real-time updates. In comparison to traditional paper tags, ESLs have reduced the occurrence of pricing errors while supporting stores to get a fast response mechanism for price changes. ESLs can be accessed wirelessly and remotely to achieve access to the massive quantity of data to ensure inventory management. Also, these are configured to send automatic notices when specific products are reaching near their expiration dates. Therefore, as a primary solution for information display and product pricing, ESLs are perfectly aligned with Industry 4.0 for automation and smart management. IoT applications in ESLs are facilitating a user in carrying out real-time updates. Industry 4.0 would assist the retail sector in having predictive analytics and real-time information, which will raise the steps of planning and allocation to the next level. As customer expectations are dynamic, the retail industry is looking forward to using Industry 4.0 to embrace growing business models, digitization, and value chains, which will further fuel the adoption of ESL solutions and propel market growth.

Europe Electronic Shelf Label Market Overview

Strong economic and manufacturing capabilities characterize Europe. France, Germany, Italy, Russia, the UK, and the rest of the European countries are the major contributors to the electronic shelf label market in Europe. The European region comprises several major industries such as machinery & equipment, retail, pulp & paper, automotive, pharmaceuticals, and others. In the European market, digitization is making its significance in grocery stores. Some of the largest retail companies present in European territory are Ahold Delhaize, REWE Combine, Tesco PLC, IKEA Group, Inditex, LVMH Moet Hennessy-Louis Vuitton S.A., Carrefour, and Auchan Holding SA, among others. The group mentioned above of retail companies consists of supermarkets, hypermarkets, and specialty stores. Also, mentioned retail stores are among the top 25 retailers of the region; therefore, the installation of advanced IoT technologies would be gaining high momentum. Moreover, small retail traders such as mom-and-pop stores and corner shops endure being optimistic entrepreneurs in the region. Several new shops and retail stores are emerging in the region owing to the rising purchasing capacity of the masses. The retail market of Europe is not homogenous, and therefore, several countries of the region are at a different phase of retail development. Germany, France, and the UK are the mature markets of retail, whereas Russia and Turkey are still considered to be in the developing phase. Over half of the European retail is dominated by Germany, UK, and France. Besides, the emerging phase of retail in the Czech Republic, Russia, and Poland has witnessed the entrance of different new retailers over the last few years and, therefore, would continue to grow their retail industry. Also, various companies are taking new initiatives to increase the demand for electronic shelf label. For instance, in July 2023, Ikea teamed up with SES-imagotag to introduce its innovative VUSION smart electronic shelf labels and IoT Cloud platform across its European stores. Hence, the demand for electronic shelf labels is increasing with the growing retail industry.

Europe Electronic Shelf Label Market Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Europe Electronic Shelf Label Market Segmentation

The Europe electronic shelf label market is segmented into component, product type, store type, technology, and country.

Based on component, the Europe electronic shelf label market is bifurcated into hardware and software & services. The hardware segment held a larger share of the Europe electronic shelf label market in 2022. The hardware segment is further subsegmented into displays, batteries, transceivers, microprocessors, and others.

In terms of product type, the Europe electronic shelf label market is bifurcated into E-paper based ESL and LCD ESL. The E-paper segment held a larger share of the Europe electronic shelf label market in 2022.

Based on store type, the Europe electronic shelf label market is segmented into hypermarkets, supermarkets, specialty stores, non-food retail stores, and others. The hypermarkets segment held the largest share of the Europe electronic shelf label market in 2022.

In terms of communication technology, the Europe electronic shelf label market is segmented into radio frequency, near field communication, infrared, and others. The radio frequency segment held the largest share of the Europe electronic shelf label market in 2022.

By country, the Europe electronic shelf label market is segmented into Germany, the UK, France, Italy, Russia, and the Rest of Europe. Germany dominated the Europe electronic shelf label market in 2022.

LabelNest; Displaydata Ltd; Panasonic Holdings Corp; M2C Communication DOO; Hanshow Technology; Opticon Sensors Europe BV; Ses Imagotag SA; Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co Ltd; Diebold Nixdorf, Incorporated; and Pricer AB are some of the leading companies operating in the Europe electronic shelf label market.

Table Of Contents

1. Introduction

  • 1.1 The Insight Partners Research Report Guidance
  • 1.2 Market Segmentation

2. Executive Summary

  • 2.1 Key Insights
  • 2.2 Market Attractiveness

3. Research Methodology

  • 3.1 Coverage
  • 3.2 Secondary Research
  • 3.3 Primary Research

4. Europe Electronic Shelf Label Market Landscape

  • 4.1 Overview
  • 4.2 Ecosystem Analysis
    • 4.2.1 List of Vendors in Value Chain

5. Europe Electronic Shelf Label Market - Key Industry Dynamics

  • 5.1 Europe Electronic Shelf Label Market - Key Industry Dynamics
  • 5.2 Market Drivers
    • 5.2.1 Rapid Adoption of Game-Changing Technologies Across Retail-Value Chain
    • 5.2.2 Growth in Supermarket/Hypermarkets
    • 5.2.3 Rise in Strategic Initiatives by Market Stakeholders
  • 5.3 Market Restraints
    • 5.3.1 Disadvantages of ESL
  • 5.4 Market Opportunities
    • 5.4.1 Integration of Industry 4.0 for Automation and Smart Management
    • 5.4.2 Advent of 5G Technology
  • 5.5 Future Trends
    • 5.5.1 Emergence of Battery-Free Solutions
  • 5.6 Impact of Drivers and Restraints:

6. Electronic Shelf Label Market - Europe Market Analysis

  • 6.1 Electronic Shelf Label Market Revenue (US$ Million), 2022 - 2030
  • 6.2 Electronic Shelf Label Market Forecast and Analysis

7. Europe Electronic Shelf Label Market Analysis - Component

  • 7.1 Hardware
    • 7.1.1 Overview
    • 7.1.2 Hardware Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
    • 7.1.3 Displays
      • Overview
      • Displays Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
    • 7.1.4 Transceivers
      • Overview
      • Transceivers Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
    • 7.1.5 Microprocessors
      • Overview
      • Microprocessors Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
    • 7.1.6 Batteries
      • Overview
      • Batteries Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
    • 7.1.7 Others
      • Overview
      • Others Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • 7.2 Software and Services
    • 7.2.1 Overview
    • 7.2.2 Software and Services Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

8. Europe Electronic Shelf Label Market Analysis - Product Type

  • 8.1 E-Paper Based ESL
    • 8.1.1 Overview
    • 8.1.2 E-Paper Based ESL Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • 8.2 LCD ESL
    • 8.2.1 Overview
    • 8.2.2 LCD ESL Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

9. Europe Electronic Shelf Label Market Analysis - Store Type

  • 9.1 Hypermarkets
    • 9.1.1 Overview
    • 9.1.2 Hypermarkets Market Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • 9.2 Supermarkets
    • 9.2.1 Overview
    • 9.2.2 Supermarkets Market Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • 9.3 Specialty Stores
    • 9.3.1 Overview
    • 9.3.2 Specialty Stores Market Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • 9.4 Non-Food Retail Stores
    • 9.4.1 Overview
    • 9.4.2 Non-Food Retail Stores Market Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • 9.5 Others
    • 9.5.1 Overview
    • 9.5.2 Others Market Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

10. Europe Electronic Shelf Label Market Analysis - Technology

  • 10.1 Radio Frequency
    • 10.1.1 Overview
    • 10.1.2 Radio Frequency Market Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • 10.2 Near Field Communication
    • 10.2.1 Overview
    • 10.2.2 Near Field Communication Market Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • 10.3 Infrared
    • 10.3.1 Overview
    • 10.3.2 Infrared Market Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • 10.4 Others
    • 10.4.1 Overview
    • 10.4.2 Others Market Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

11. Europe Electronic Shelf Label Market - Country Analysis

  • 11.1 Europe: Electronic Shelf Label Market
    • 11.1.1 Europe: Electronic Shelf Label Market, By Key Country - Revenue 2022 (US$ Million)
    • 11.1.2 Europe: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Key Country
      • Germany: Electronic Shelf Label Market - Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
        • Germany: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Component
        • Germany: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Hardware
        • Germany: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Product Type
        • Germany: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Store Type
        • Germany: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Technology
      • UK: Electronic Shelf Label Market - Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
        • UK: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Component
        • UK: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Hardware
        • UK: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Product Type
        • UK: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Store Type
        • UK: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Technology
      • France: Electronic Shelf Label Market - Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
        • France: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Component
        • France: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Hardware
        • France: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Product Type
        • France: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Store Type
        • France: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Technology
      • Italy: Electronic Shelf Label Market - Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
        • Italy: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Component
        • Italy: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Hardware
        • Italy: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Product Type
        • Italy: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Store Type
        • Italy: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Technology
      • Russia: Electronic Shelf Label Market - Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
        • Russia: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Component
        • Russia: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Hardware
        • Russia: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Product Type
        • Russia: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Store Type
        • Russia: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Technology
      • Rest of Europe: Electronic Shelf Label Market - Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
        • Rest of Europe: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Component
        • Rest of Europe: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Hardware
        • Rest of Europe: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Product Type
        • Rest of Europe: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Store Type
        • Rest of Europe: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Technology

12. Industry Landscape

  • 12.1 Overview
  • 12.2 Market Initiative
  • 12.3 New Product Development

13. Company Profiles

  • 13.1 LabelNest
    • 13.1.1 Key Facts
    • 13.1.2 Business Description
    • 13.1.3 Products and Services
    • 13.1.4 Financial Overview
    • 13.1.5 SWOT Analysis
    • 13.1.6 Key Developments
  • 13.2 Displaydata Ltd
    • 13.2.1 Key Facts
    • 13.2.2 Business Description
    • 13.2.3 Products and Services
    • 13.2.4 Financial Overview
    • 13.2.5 SWOT Analysis
    • 13.2.6 Key Developments
  • 13.3 Panasonic Holdings Corp
    • 13.3.1 Key Facts
    • 13.3.2 Business Description
    • 13.3.3 Products and Services
    • 13.3.4 Financial Overview
    • 13.3.5 SWOT Analysis
    • 13.3.6 Key Developments
  • 13.4 M2C Communication DOO
    • 13.4.1 Key Facts
    • 13.4.2 Business Description
    • 13.4.3 Products and Services
    • 13.4.4 Financial Overview
    • 13.4.5 SWOT Analysis
    • 13.4.6 Key Developments
  • 13.5 Hanshow Technology
    • 13.5.1 Key Facts
    • 13.5.2 Business Description
    • 13.5.3 Products and Services
    • 13.5.4 Financial Overview
    • 13.5.5 SWOT Analysis
    • 13.5.6 Key Developments
  • 13.6 Opticon Sensors Europe BV
    • 13.6.1 Key Facts
    • 13.6.2 Business Description
    • 13.6.3 Products and Services
    • 13.6.4 Financial Overview
    • 13.6.5 SWOT Analysis
    • 13.6.6 Key Developments
  • 13.7 Ses Imagotag SA
    • 13.7.1 Key Facts
    • 13.7.2 Business Description
    • 13.7.3 Products and Services
    • 13.7.4 Financial Overview
    • 13.7.5 SWOT Analysis
    • 13.7.6 Key Developments
  • 13.8 Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co Ltd
    • 13.8.1 Key Facts
    • 13.8.2 Business Description
    • 13.8.3 Products and Services
    • 13.8.4 Financial Overview
    • 13.8.5 SWOT Analysis
    • 13.8.6 Key Developments
  • 13.9 Diebold Nixdorf, Incorporated
    • 13.9.1 Key Facts
    • 13.9.2 Business Description
    • 13.9.3 Products and Services
    • 13.9.4 Financial Overview
    • 13.9.5 SWOT Analysis
    • 13.9.6 Key Developments
  • 13.10 Pricer AB
    • 13.10.1 Key Facts
    • 13.10.2 Business Description
    • 13.10.3 Products and Services
    • 13.10.4 Financial Overview
    • 13.10.5 SWOT Analysis
    • 13.10.6 Key Developments

14. Appendix

  • 14.1 About the Insight Partners
  • 14.2 Word Index

List Of Tables

  • Table 1. Electronic Shelf Label Market Segmentation
  • Table 2. Electronic Shelf Label Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Table 3. Electronic Shelf Label Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million) - Component
  • Table 4. Electronic Shelf Label Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million) -Product Type
  • Table 5. Electronic Shelf Label Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million) - Store Type
  • Table 6. Electronic Shelf Label Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million) - Technology
  • Table 7. Germany: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Component -Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Table 8. Germany: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Hardware - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Table 9. Germany: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Product Type -Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Table 10. Germany: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Store Type -Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Table 11. Germany: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Technology -Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Table 12. UK: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Component -Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Table 13. UK: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Hardware - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Table 14. UK: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Product Type -Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Table 15. UK: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Store Type -Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Table 16. UK: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Technology -Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Table 17. France: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Component -Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Table 18. France: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Hardware - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Table 19. France: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Product Type -Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Table 20. France: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Store Type -Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

France: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Technology -Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

  • Table 21. Italy: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Component -Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Table 22. Italy: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Hardware - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Table 23. Italy: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Product Type -Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Table 24. Italy: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Store Type -Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Table 25. Italy: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Technology -Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Table 26. Russia: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Component -Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Table 27. Russia: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Hardware - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Table 28. Russia: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Product Type -Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Table 29. Russia: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Store Type -Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Table 30. Russia: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Technology -Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Table 31. Rest of Europe: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Component -Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Table 32. Rest of Europe: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Hardware - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Table 33. Rest of Europe: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Product Type -Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Table 34. Rest of Europe: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Store Type -Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Table 35. Rest of Europe: Electronic Shelf Label Market, by Technology -Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Table 36. List of Abbreviation

List Of Figures

  • Figure 1. Electronic Shelf Label Market Segmentation, By Country
  • Figure 2. Ecosystem: Electronic Shelf Label Market
  • Figure 3. Impact Analysis of Drivers and Restraints
  • Figure 4. Electronic Shelf Label Market Revenue (US$ Million), 2022 - 2030
  • Figure 5. Electronic Shelf Label Market Share (%) - Component, 2022 and 2030
  • Figure 6. Hardware Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 7. Displays Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 8. Transceivers Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 9. Microprocessors Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 10. Batteries Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 11. Others Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 12. Software and Services Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 13. Electronic Shelf Label Market Share (%) - Product Type, 2022 and 2030
  • Figure 14. E-Paper Based ESL Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 15. LCD ESL Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 16. Electronic Shelf Label Market Share (%) - Store Type, 2022 and 2030
  • Figure 17. Hypermarkets Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 18. Supermarkets Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 19. Specialty Stores Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 20. Non-Food Retail Stores Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 21. Others Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 22. Electronic Shelf Label Market Share (%) - Technology, 2022 and 2030
  • Figure 23. Radio Frequency Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 24. Near Field Communication Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 25. Infrared Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 26. Others Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 27. Europe: Electronic Shelf Label Market, By Key Country - Revenue 2022 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 28. Europe: Electronic Shelf Label Market Revenue Share, by Key Country (2022 and 2030)
  • Figure 29. Germany: Electronic Shelf Label Market - Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 30. UK: Electronic Shelf Label Market - Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 31. France: Electronic Shelf Label Market - Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 32. Italy: Electronic Shelf Label Market - Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 33. Russia: Electronic Shelf Label Market - Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 34. Rest of Europe: Electronic Shelf Label Market - Revenue, and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)