
全球石油和天然氣產業市場:2024 年展望與成長機會

Global Oil and Gas Industry Outlook and Growth Opportunities, 2024

出版日期: | 出版商: Frost & Sullivan | 英文 116 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內




隨著各行業朝著脫碳和永續性目標邁進,本報告確定了能源轉型機會的五個關鍵支柱。 :碳捕獲、利用和儲存(CCUS)、排放管理、自動化/自主/增強、上游電氣化和未來燃料。同時,當今石油和天然氣行業面臨的主要挑戰是盡可能高效和永續地滿足當前對石化燃料的需求,同時平衡向淨零的過渡。




該分析對預計到 2024 年塑造石油和天然氣行業的關鍵轉型趨勢和成長機會進行了深入評估。研究期間為2023-2035年,其中2023年為基準年,2024-2035年為預測期。目標領域如下:

  • 北美洲:美國、加拿大、墨西哥
  • 拉丁美洲:巴西、委內瑞拉、阿根廷、哥倫比亞
  • 歐洲:英國、法國、德國、挪威、荷蘭、比利時
  • 俄羅斯與獨立國協:俄羅斯、哈薩克
  • 亞太地區:印度、中國、馬來西亞、新加坡、澳洲、日本
  • 中東/非洲:印度、中國、馬來西亞、新加坡、澳洲、日本、沙烏地阿拉伯、阿拉伯聯合大公國、阿曼、卡達、科威特、奈及利亞、阿爾及利亞、埃及、莫三比克、利比亞、安哥拉


  • 上游油氣、自動化、數位化、電氣化
  • 中游液化天然氣
  • 脫碳排放管理、氫氣、CCUS



  • 2023 年石油與天然氣產業:預測與績效
  • 歷史分析:全球石油和天然氣產業的上游資本支出(CAPEX)
  • 2024 年的熱門預測


  • 為什麼成長如此困難?
  • The Strategic Imperative 8(TM)
  • 石油和天然氣產業三大戰略挑戰的影響
  • 成長機會推動成長管道引擎TM


  • 調查範圍
  • 全球石油與天然氣展望的範圍
  • 2023年全球油氣產業亮點
  • 2023 年石油與天然氣關鍵績效指標 (KPI):績效
  • 2024 年石油和天然氣關鍵績效指標 (KPI):實際預測
  • WTI/布蘭特原油價格走勢
  • 全球平均鑽機數量與基準原油價格對比


  • 石油和天然氣產業的趨勢
  • 趨勢一:CCUS成為脫碳的重要方程式
  • 趨勢一:全球CCUS計劃類型及現狀
  • 趨勢一:美洲CCUS現狀
  • 趨勢一:歐洲CCUS現狀
  • 趨勢一:亞太地區CCUS現狀
  • 趨勢一:中東和非洲CCUS現狀
  • 趨勢一:直接大氣碳捕獲(DACC)
  • 趨勢 1:DACC 實施獲利的最終場景
  • 趨勢一:CCUS 成長機會領域
  • 趨勢2:液化天然氣在能源頻譜的作用
  • 低排放氣體LNG技術開發進展
  • 趨勢三:石油和天然氣電氣化作為脫碳之路
  • 趨勢4:氫經濟的成長
  • 趨勢五:石油和天然氣自動化
  • 趨勢六:排放管理
  • 趨勢七:替代燃料-脫碳產業的催化劑
  • 趨勢八:鑽井自動化在上游工程中的作用
  • 趨勢八:鑽井自動化

2024 年石油與天然氣上游領域展望

  • 2024 年 8 大上游石油與天然氣預測
  • 世界石油產量預測
  • 全球天然氣產量預測
  • 油氣上游資本投資

2024 年區域預測

  • 北美洲
  • 拉丁美洲
  • 歐洲
  • 中東/非洲
  • 亞太地區
  • 俄羅斯/獨立國協


  • 成長機會 1:增加 DER 和 BESS 整合以推動電氣化技術的採用
  • 成長機會 2:人工智慧作為實現永續性的工具
  • 成長機會 3:DACC 使用 CO2 進行 SAF
  • 成長機會4:負排放技術實現淨零目標
  • 成長機會5:CCUS工廠模組化,實現二氧化碳低排放的小規模產業
  • 成長機會6:CCUS叢集與樞紐,整合不同的產業叢集
  • 成長機會7:用於歐洲快速液化天然氣供應的浮體式儲存和再氣化裝置(FSRU)
  • 成長機會 8:在現有天然氣管道中混合藍氫
  • 成長機會 9:海底自動化機器人技術
  • 成長機會 10:物聯網提高效率和準確性





Product Code: KA1F-14

Transformative Megatrends Drive Oil and Gas Companies to Digitize and Implement Decarbonization Initiatives

The global energy industry is undergoing an unprecedented transition, bringing exciting new growth opportunities to the oil and gas (O&G) industry. However, shifting to a net-zero future for carbon emissions means many companies struggle with pricing, energy security, and industry disruption.

As the industry moves to meet decarbonization and sustainability goals, Frost & Sullivan has identified five key pillars of opportunity for the energy transition: Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS); Emissions Management; Automation, Autonomy, and Augmentation; Upstream Electrification; and Future Fuels. Meanwhile, the main challenge of today's O&G industry is balancing the transition to net zero while meeting the current demand for fossil fuels as efficiently and sustainably as possible.

The competitive landscape for the future O&G industry is also changing, driven by innovation, market transformation, ambitious sustainability goals, and disruptive business models.

Notably, the study offers stakeholders insights and opportunities they can leverage in the dynamic O&G space over the next decade.

Research Highlights

This analysis provides a detailed evaluation of the main transformational trends and growth opportunities we expect to see shaping the O&G industry throughout 2024. The study period is 2023–2035, with 2023 as the base year and 2024–2035 as the forecast period. Regions covered include:

  • North America: United States, Canada, and Mexico
  • Latin America: Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina, and Colombia
  • Europe: United Kingdom, France, Germany, Norway, Netherlands, and Belgium
  • Russia and Commonwealth of Independent States: Russia and Kazakhstan
  • Asia-Pacific: India, China, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, and Japan
  • Middle East and Africa: Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, Nigeria, Algeria, Egypt, Mozambique, Libya, and Angola

We cover three areas:

  • Upstream: O&G, automation, digitalization, electrification
  • Midstream: Liquid natural gas
  • Decarbonization: Emissions management, hydrogen, CCUS

Table of Contents

Analysis Highlights

  • The 2023 Oil and Gas Industry: Forecast vs. Actual
  • Historical Analytics: Global O&G Industry Upstream Capital Expenditure (CAPEX)
  • Top Predictions for 2024

Strategic Imperatives

  • Why is it Increasingly Difficult to Grow?
  • The Strategic Imperative 8™
  • The Impact of the Top 3 Strategic Imperatives on the O&G Industry
  • Growth Opportunities Fuel the Growth Pipeline EngineTM

Growth Environment

  • Research Scope
  • What Does the Global O&G Outlook Cover?
  • 2023 Highlights of the Global O&G Industry
  • 2023 O&G Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Actual
  • 2024 O&G KPIs: Forecast
  • Trends and Events in Historical Prices for West Texas Intermediate (WTI) and Brent
  • Global Average Rig Count vs Benchmark Crude Oil Prices

O&G Trends, 2024

  • O&G Industry Trends
  • Trend 1: CCUS an Important Equation in Decarbonization
  • Trend 1: Global CCUS Project Type and Status
  • Trend 1: CCUS Landscape in the Americas
  • Trend 1: CCUS Landscape in Europe
  • Trend 1: CCUS Landscape in APAC
  • Trend 1: CCUS Landscape in MEA
  • Trend 1: Direct Air Carbon Capture (DACC)
  • Trend 1: Endgame Scenarios for Profitable DACC Implementation
  • Trend 1: CCUS Growth Opportunity Areas
  • Trend 2: Role of LNG in the Energy Spectrum
  • Progress on Developing Lower-emission LNG Technologies
  • Trend 3: O&G Electrification as a Decarbonization Pathway
  • Trend 4: Growth of the Hydrogen Economy
  • Trend 5: O&G Automation
  • Trend 6: Emissions Management
  • Trend 7: Alternative Fuels-A Catalyst to Decarbonize Hard-to-abate Industries
  • Trend 8: The Role of Drilling Automation in Upstream Operations
  • Trend 8: Drilling Automation

O&G Upstream Segment Outlook, 2024

  • Top 8 Upstream O&G Predictions for 2024
  • Global Oil Production Forecast
  • Natural Gas Production Forecast
  • O&G Upstream CAPEX Investments

Regional Predictions, 2024

  • North America
  • Europe
  • MEA
  • APAC
  • Russia and CIS

Growth Opportunity Universe

  • Growth Opportunity 1: Increased DER and BESS Integration to Drive Electrification Technology Adoption
  • Growth Opportunity 2: AI as a Tool to Achieve Sustainability
  • Growth Opportunity 3: DACC with CO2 Used for SAF
  • Growth Opportunity 4: Negative-emission Technologies for Achieving the Net-zero Target
  • Growth Opportunity 5: Modularization of CCUS Plants for Small Industries with Fewer CO2 Emissions
  • Growth Opportunity 6: CCUS Clusters and Hubs for Integrating Different Industrial Clusters
  • Growth Opportunity 7: Floating Storage Regasification Units (FSRUs) for Rapid LNG Supply in Europe
  • Growth Opportunity 8: Blending Blue Hydrogen in Existing NG Pipelines
  • Growth Opportunity 9: Robotics for Subsea Automation
  • Growth Opportunity 10: IoT for Boosting Efficiency and Accuracy


  • Conclusions and Future Outlook

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