咖啡貿易分析 - COVID-19 的增長、趨勢、影響和預測 (2023-2028)Coffee Trade Analysis - Growth, Trends, and Forecasts (2023 - 2028) |
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在 2022 年至 2027 年的預測期內,咖啡市場的複合年增長率預計為 2.5%。
儘管 COVID-19 限制規定了極其艱苦的工作條件,但咖啡種植者和供應鏈的彈性很大程度上歸功於消費者進入市場的能力。. COVID-19 對咖啡生產的影響相對較小。 據歐盟(EU)外交部稱,限制和社會排斥措施減少了消費。 這尤其會影響主要供應酒店、餐館和咖啡館 (HORECA) 的小型咖啡烘焙商和烘焙商。
另外,在咖啡行業,從農場到市場,由於不公平的工資、森林砍伐、烘焙工廠的空氣污染以及咖啡定價不規範導致的惡劣工作條件等各種問題正在增加。 根據咖啡科學與信息研究所 (ISIC) 的一項調查,68% 的受訪者表示他們經常在工作時喝咖啡。 隨著消費者對咖啡質量的意識越來越強,這一趨勢導致德國、意大利、西班牙和英國等歐洲國家的需求強勁。
咖啡中含有咖啡因,具有提神的作用。 它是世界上消費最多和最受歡迎的飲料之一。 咖啡的製作和供應方式多種多樣。 幾項臨床研究表明,適度飲用咖啡對健康的成年人來說是溫和的或略微有益的。 輪班工作文化,尤其是在企業行業,隨著生活水平的提高,預計將進一步提振全球市場的需求。 多年來,對咖啡的需求已大大超出了歐盟 (EU)、美國和日本等成熟市場。
北美、亞太地區和歐洲是最大的咖啡消費者。 根據國際咖啡組織的數據,2020 年亞太和歐洲地區的咖啡消費量分別為 3650 萬和 5410 萬(60 公斤袋裝),而 2019 年為 3600 萬和 5340 萬(60 公斤袋裝)。 在亞太地區,日本仍然是市場領導者,其次是中國和韓國。 未來幾年的長期需求可能會擴大,使其成為增長最快的市場之一。
公司正在重新考慮他們的服務策略並推出現代品牌以提高客戶滿意度和忠誠度,這是推動全球咖啡市場發展的因素之一。它是其中之一。 各種咖啡館的出現和消費者可支配收入水平的提高也在推動這個市場。 所有這些因素都有望推動市場的增長。
巴西生產的咖啡約佔世界總產量的 25%。 巴西種植的大部分咖啡是阿拉比卡咖啡,約佔總量的 80%。 收穫季節是從五月到八月。 全球對咖啡的需求在巴西現代經濟增長和工業化的早期階段發揮了重要作用。
巴西目前大部分咖啡出口到德國和美國。 美國是全球最大的咖啡買家,北美咖啡市場佔全球咖啡進口額的四分之一以上。 咖啡貿易幫助巴西保持美國十大貿易夥伴之一的地位。
根據國際咖啡組織的數據,巴西是世界市場上主要的咖啡生產國和出口國。 據巴西咖啡出口委員會(Cecafe)稱,巴西咖啡出口的主要目的地是美國、德國、比利時、意大利、日本、土耳其、俄羅斯、墨西哥、西班牙和加拿大。
The coffee market is projected to register a CAGR of 2.5% during the forecast period, 2022-2027.
Despite the incredibly challenging working environment imposed by COVID-19 restrictions, consumers have still been able to access markets, largely owing to the resilience of coffee producers and supply chains. The impact of COVID-19 on coffee production is relatively minor. According to the European Union's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, lockdown and social distancing measures have caused a reduction in consumption. This particularly affects small coffee roasters and roasters that mainly supply hotels, restaurants, and cafes (HORECA).
Additionally, the coffee industry witnessed various issues from farms to markets like poor labor practices combined with unfair wages, deforestation, air pollution from roasting plants, and irregular pricing of coffee. According to a survey conducted by the Institute for Scientific Information on Coffee (ISIC), 68% of the respondents stated that they often consume coffee while working. This trend is leading to a huge demand for coffee in European countries like Germany, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, and others, as consumers are becoming increasingly conscious of the quality of their coffee.
Coffee provides a revitalizing effect as it contains caffeine. It is one of the most consumed and popular drinks worldwide. It is prepared and presented in different ways. As per some clinical studies, modest coffee consumption is gentle or slightly beneficial for healthy adults. The shifting work culture, specifically in the corporate industry, along with enhancing living standards, is further anticipated to boost the demand in the global market. Over the years, the coffee demand has significantly broadened beyond mature markets such as the European Union (EU), United States, and Japan.
North America, Asia-Pacific, and Europe are the largest consumers of coffee. According to the International Coffee Organization, in 2020, coffee consumption in the Asia-Pacific and European regions was 36.5 million and 54.1 million (60 kg bags), respectively, which was 36.0 million and 53.4 million 60 kg bags in 2019. In Asia-Pacific, Japan still leads the market, followed by China and South Korea. Long-term demand is set to grow in the coming years, making it potentially one of the fastest-growing markets.
Companies overhauling their strategies in terms of service and emerging contemporary brands to enhance customer satisfaction and gain loyalty is another factor improving the coffee market across the world. This is supported by the emergence of various cafes and increased expendable income levels of consumers. All these factors are anticipated to bolster the market growth.
Brazil produces around 25% of the world's coffee supply. Coffee grown in Brazil is predominantly of the Arabica variety, making up around 80% of the total crop. Harvest season runs from May to August. The global demand for coffee heavily contributed to the early phase of Brazil's modern economic expansion and industrialization.
Brazil currently exports the majority of its coffee to Germany and United States. United States is the world's largest single buyer of coffee, with the North American coffee market accounting for over one-quarter of the global coffee imports in value. The coffee trade helps Brazil remain one of the ten major trading partners of United States.
According to the International Coffee Organization, Brazil is the major producer and exporter of coffee in the global market. According to the Council of Coffee Exporters of Brazil (Cecafe), the main destination markets for Brazil's coffee exports have been United States, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Japan, Turkey, Russia, Mexico, Spain, and Canada.