

France Rotor Blade - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2025 - 2030)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 95 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內




預計法國葉輪市場在預測期內的複合年成長率將超過 2%。


2020 年市場受到 COVID-19 的中等程度影響。目前,市場已達到疫情前水準。


  • 從長遠來看,政府的支持措施和私人投資將推動該國對葉輪的需求。
  • 另一方面,高昂的相關運輸成本以及來自太陽能和水力發電等替代清潔能源的成本競爭有可能阻礙市場成長。
  • 產品創新和最新葉輪技術的採用預計很快就會為法國葉輪市場創造利潤豐厚的成長機會。



  • 陸域風電技術在過去五年中不斷發展,以最大限度地提高每兆瓦裝置容量的發電量,並覆蓋更多風速較低的地區。另外,近年來,風力發電機輪轂高度變得更高,直徑變得更寬,風力發電機葉片變得更大。截至2021年,法國陸域風電總設備容量為19,131MW。
  • 法國是歐洲風電市場的領先國家之一。 2021年新增裝置1192兆瓦,達1913萬千瓦。該國每台渦輪機的平均額定功率為2MW。該國的風電市場一直受到政府措施(如補貼和上網電價補貼)的推動,以填補核能發電廠關閉而造成的電力缺口。
  • 陸上部門主導了法國風電市場。此外,新政府的計畫是到2030年將陸上風電容量增加兩倍。 2021年排名第三,僅次於德國和瑞典。
  • 2022年7月,Falck Renewables在同意區域開發計劃的區域效益計畫後,正式在法國開設第十個風電場。法爾克再生能源公司 (Falck Renewables) 在伊利諾州、法國馬利共和國塞納省正式開設了一座新風電場。該風電場擁有六台投入商業營運的渦輪機,裝置容量為12兆瓦,預計年產量約28吉瓦時,足以為約6,600戶家庭供電。
  • 2022年9月,Valorem和ENERCON France簽署了一份契約,將在法國埃羅省Seil-et-Locoselles安裝6台E-82 E4風力發電轉換器,總合容量為14.1兆瓦。
  • 因此,基於上述因素,由於政府的支持措施和舉措以及陸上風力發電計劃的增加,陸上風力發電機的葉輪預計將大幅成長。


  • 法國政府計劃在2030年將可再生能源在電力結構中的佔有率提高到40%。政府宣布將把再生能源支出從每年 50 億歐元增加到 80 億歐元。
  • 此外,截至2021年,陸域風電裝置容量約為19GW,離岸風力發電為2MW。此外,根據 Pluriannuelle de l'Energie (PPE) 計劃,該國的目標是到 2028 年陸上風力發電量達到 34GW,截至 2021 年約為 1,908GW。這種擴張對於能源轉型的成功以及促進法國其他能源結構的脫碳至關重要。
  • 與德國和英國一樣,法國也致力於發展其離岸風力發電市場,儘管2021年沒有新增離岸風力發電裝置容量。到2022年2月,我們的目標是到2050年擁有40GW的離岸風力發電容量。
  • 2022年3月,法國政府簽署了法國風電產業和離岸風電領域的協議。該協議承認離岸風電是一個重要的能源和工業機會。該協議承諾大力離岸風力發電,法國承諾在2050年50個風電場建設40GW離岸風電。
  • 為了實現這項風電目標,法國計畫自2025年起每年競標至少2吉瓦的新增離岸風力發電。截至2022年3月,政府每年競標1GW。這意味著到2030年將分配20GW的容量,2035年將有18GW的離岸風力發電投入運作。
  • 截至目前,法國已競標了350萬千瓦離岸風力發電,其中500兆瓦為浮體式海上風電。法國沿海深處風力強勁且穩定,適合浮體式海上風力發電。
  • 因此,有助於發展風電市場的政府措施和私人投資預計在預測期內將產生積極影響,從而導致風力發電機葉輪市場的成長。


法國葉輪市場具有綜合性。市場上的主要企業(排名不分先後)包括 Nordex SE、Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, SA、Vestas Wind Systems A/S、Suzlon Energy Limited 和 LM Wind Power(GE 再生能源業務)。


  • Excel 格式的市場預測 (ME) 表
  • 3 個月分析師支持



  • 調查範圍
  • 市場定義
  • 研究場所

第 2 章執行摘要



  • 介紹
  • 至2027年市場規模及需求預測(單位:百萬美元)
  • 最新趨勢和發展
  • 政府法規和措施
  • 市場動態
    • 促進因素
    • 抑制因素
  • 供應鏈分析
  • PESTLE分析


  • 部署地點
    • 陸上
    • 離岸
  • 刀片材質(定性分析)
    • 碳纖維
    • 玻璃纖維
    • 其他刀片材料

第6章 競爭狀況

  • 併購、合資、聯盟、協議
  • 主要企業策略
  • 公司簡介
    • Nordex SE
    • Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy SA
    • Vestas Wind Systems A/S
    • Suzlon Energy Limited
    • Enercon GmbH
    • LM Wind Power(GE 再生能源業務)

第7章 市場機會及未來趨勢

Product Code: 92934

The France Rotor Blade Market is expected to register a CAGR of greater than 2% during the forecast period.

France Rotor Blade - Market - IMG1

The market was moderately impacted by COVID-19 in 2020. Presently, the market has reached pre-pandemic levels.

Key Highlights

  • Over the long term, supportive government policies and private investments drive the country's rotor blade demand.
  • On the flip side, the associated high cost of transportation and cost competitiveness of alternate clean power sources, like solar power, hydropower, etc., have the potential to hinder the market's growth.
  • Nevertheless, product innovation and adaptation of the latest rotor blade technologies are expected to create soon lucrative growth opportunities for the France rotor blade market.

France Rotor Blade Market Trends

Onshore Segment to Dominate the Market

  • Onshore wind energy power generation technology has evolved over the last five years to maximize electricity produced per megawatt capacity installed and to cover more sites with lower wind speeds. Besides this, in recent years, wind turbines have become larger with taller hub heights, broader diameters, and larger wind turbine blades. As of 2021, the total onshore installations in the country totaled 19,131 MW.
  • France is among the leading countries in the European wind power market. In 2021, it added 1,192 MW, reaching 19.13 GW. The country had an average power rating of 2 MW per turbine. The wind power market in the country has been driven by government policies (such as subsidies and feed-in-tariff) to fill the gap created by the closure of nuclear power plants.
  • The onshore sector has dominated the French wind power market. Moreover, under the new government's plans, the onshore wind power capacity is planned to be tripled by 2030. In 2021, the country was third only after Germany and Sweden.
  • In July 2022, with a community benefit scheme agreed upon for local development projects, Falck Renewables officially opened its tenth wind farm in France. Falck Renewables officially opened its new wind farm in Illinois, Seine-Maritime department, France. The six-turbine wind farm, which came into commercial operation, has an installed capacity of 12 MW and an estimated annual production of around 28 GWh, sufficient to power approximately 6,600 households.
  • In September 2022, Valorem and ENERCON France signed a contract to install six E-82 E4 wind energy converters at Ceilhes-et-Rocozels (Herault, France) with a total capacity of 14.1 MW.
  • Therefore, based on the above-mentioned factors, the onshore wind turbine rotor blade is expected to grow significantly due to supportive government policies and initiatives coupled with an increasing number of onshore wind energy projects.

Supportive Government Policies and Private Investments Driving the Market Demand

  • The French government planned to increase the share of renewable energy in the power mix to 40% by 2030. The government announced an increase in the expenditure on renewables, from EUR 5 billion to EUR 8 billion annually.
  • Moreover, as of 2021, the country's onshore wind energy installation was about 19 GW, and 2 MW of offshore wind energy installation. Further, according to Programmation Pluriannuelle de l'Energie (PPE), the country aims to have 34 GW of onshore wind by 2028, which in 2021 is about 19.08 GW. The expansion is vital for a successful energy transition and to help decarbonize the rest of France's energy mix.
  • Though the country had no new offshore capacity added in 2021, like Germany and the United Kingdom, France is also seeking to develop its offshore wind power market. By February 2022, the country aims to have 40 GW of offshore wind power generation capacity by 2050.
  • In March 2022, the French government signed an offshore sector deal with France's wind industry. The agreement recognizes that offshore wind is significant energy and industrial opportunity. It commits France to build 40 GW of offshore wind by 2050 spread over 50 wind farms which is expected to see considerable development in offshore wind power.
  • To reach the country's wind power target, the country plans to organize auctions for a minimum of 2 GW of new offshore wind capacity each year starting in 2025. As of March 2022, the government is auctioning 1 GW a year. This means 20 GW of capacity is likely to be allocated by 2030, translating into 18 GW of operational offshore wind farms in 2035.
  • So far, France has placed 3.5 GW of offshore wind up for auction, 500 MW floating wind. The country is well-suited for floating wind power, due to strong and stable winds in the deep sea, off its coasts.
  • Hence, government policies and private investments that are helping in the development of the wind power market are expected to be positive during the forecast period, leading to growth in the wind turbine rotor blades market.

France Rotor Blade Industry Overview

The France rotor blade market is consolidated in nature. Some of the major players in the market (in no particular order) include Nordex SE, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, SA, Vestas Wind Systems A/S, Suzlon Energy Limited, and LM Wind Power (a GE Renewable Energy business).

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Scope of the Study
  • 1.2 Market Definition
  • 1.3 Study Assumptions




  • 4.1 Introduction
  • 4.2 Market Size and Demand Forecast in USD million, till 2027
  • 4.3 Recent Trends and Developments
  • 4.4 Government Policies and Regulations
  • 4.5 Market Dynamics
    • 4.5.1 Drivers
    • 4.5.2 Restraints
  • 4.6 Supply Chain Analysis
  • 4.7 PESTLE Analysis


  • 5.1 Location of Deployment
    • 5.1.1 Onshore
    • 5.1.2 Offshore
  • 5.2 Blade Material (Qualitative Analysis)
    • 5.2.1 Carbon Fiber
    • 5.2.2 Glass Fiber
    • 5.2.3 Other Blade Materials


  • 6.1 Mergers and Acquisitions, Joint Ventures, Collaborations, and Agreements
  • 6.2 Strategies Adopted by Leading Players
  • 6.3 Company Profiles
    • 6.3.1 Nordex SE
    • 6.3.2 Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy SA
    • 6.3.3 Vestas Wind Systems A/S
    • 6.3.4 Suzlon Energy Limited
    • 6.3.5 Enercon GmbH
    • 6.3.6 LM Wind Power (a GE Renewable Energy business)