陶瓷3D列印的全球市場與預測 (2024~2032年)

陶瓷3D列印的全球市場與預測 (2024~2032年)

Ceramics 3D Printing Markets & Forecast: 2024-2032

出版日期: | 出版商: Additive Manufacturing Research | 英文 | 訂單完成後即時交付


本報告中的分析以 Excel 資料檔案形式提供,包括 10 年陶瓷增材製造 (AM) 市場表現資料和 8 年預測。此外,該報告的購買者將收到一份包含各種數據視覺化和分析的報告。此資料庫和預測標誌著陶瓷增材製造市場報告的廣度和深度達到了新的水平。



此 Escel 檔案衡量了積層製造陶瓷產業的整體市場規模,由硬體部分組成:液浴光聚合、材料擠出、材料噴射和黏合劑噴射。包括按供應商 (OEM)、地區、材料和應用(行業)劃分的詳細細分。專有建模代表超過 50,000 行和 250 萬個資料單元。



第1章 簡介

第2章 一般的陶瓷層積造型流程

  • 各種的3D列印流程的市場佔有率

第3章 光聚合固化技術 (VPP)

  • 市場佔有率:各地區
  • 市場預測:各地區 (2017~2032年)
  • 市場佔有率:各行業
  • 市場預測:各行業 (2017~2032年)
  • 市場佔有率:各材料

第4章 黏著劑噴塗成型 (BJ)

第5章 材料噴塗 (MJ)

第6章 材料擠壓成型 (ME)

第7章 機會與課題

  • 機會
    • 市場擴大
    • 成本效率
    • 永續性
    • 合作和革新
    • 材料的種類
  • 威脅與課題
    • 技術的障礙
    • 高成本
    • 材料的限制
    • 市場競爭
    • 經濟依存

第8章 結論

Product Code: AMR-C3DP2024 - 0824

The output of this report is an Excel data file, with ten years historical ceramics AM market data, and an eight-year forecast. Buyers of the report will also receive a report with a large variety of data visualizations and analysis. This database and forecast marks a new level of breadth and depth in ceramics additive manufacturing market reporting.

The data itself was built using proprietary modeling and existing AM Research market data, and deepened and contextualized by exhaustive research and direct interviews with a significant number of industry players. Once (and still) an AM market largely dominated by research and development as well as niches such as electronics, the AM ceramics industry has begun to take hold in real industrial settings and is expected to grow robustly going forward.

"Ceramics 3D Printing Markets & Forecast: 2024-2033" will be updated and offered annually, and marks a new data product line to go along with AM Research's existing authoritative market data tracking for AM metal markets, AM polymer markets, and AM parts produced.

The Excel file provides the AM ceramics industry total market sizing, comprising hardware segments Vat Photopolymerization, Material Extrusion, Material Jetting, and Binder Jetting. Detailed breakouts are provided by vendor (OEM), geography, material, and by application (industry). The proprietary modeling represents more than 50,000 lines and 2.5 million cells of data.

Companies and organizations mentioned or profiled include but are not limited to: Lithoz, Tethon3D, 3DCERAM, Stratasys, ADMATEC, Voxeljet, ExOne, CONCR3DE, Xjet, and WASP.

Table of Contents

1.0. Introduction

2.0. Common Ceramic Additive Manufacturing Processes

  • 2.1. Market Share for Different 3D Printing Processes

3.0. VAT Photopolymerization (VPP)

  • 3.1. Market Share by Region
  • 3.2. 2017-2032 Regional Forecast
  • 3.3. Market Share by Industry
  • 3.4. 2017-2032 Market Forecast by Industry
  • 3.5. Market Share by Material

4.0. Binder Jetting (BJ)

  • 4.1. Market Share by Region
  • 4.2. 2017-2032 Regional Forecast
  • 4.3. Market Share by Industry
  • 4.4. 2017-2032 Market Forecast by Industry
  • 4.5. Market Share by Material

5.0. Material Jetting (MJ)

  • 5.1. Market Share by Region
  • 5.2. 2017-2032 Regional Forecast
  • 5.3. Market Share by Industry
  • 5.4. 2017-2032 Market Forecast by Industry
  • 5.5. Market Share by Material

6.0. Material Extrusion (ME)

  • 6.1. Market Share by Region
  • 6.2. 2017-2032 Regional Forecast
  • 6.3. Market Share by Industry
  • 6.4. 2017-2032 Market Forecast by Industry
  • 6.5. Market Share by Material

7.0. Opportunities and Challenges

  • 7.1. Opportunities
    • 7.1.1. Market Expansion
    • 7.1.2. Cost Efficiency
    • 7.1.3. Sustainability
    • 7.1.4. Collaboration and Innovation
    • 7.1.5. Material Types
  • 7.2. Threats and Challenges
    • 7.2.1. Technological Barriers
    • 7.2.2. High Costs
    • 7.2.3. Material Limitations
    • 7.2.4. Market Competition
    • 7.2.5. Economic Dependence

8.0. Conclusion

  • About Additive Manufacturing Research
  • About the Analysts
  • Acronyms and Abbreviations Used In this Report

List of Exhibits

  • Exhibit 1-1: Overall Ceramic Additive Manufacturing Market Growth
  • Exhibit 2-1: Overall Ceramic Additive Manufacturing Market Growth
  • Exhibit 3-1: 2024 Market Share by Region of VPP Process
  • Exhibit 3-2: 2017-2032 Region Forecast of VPP Process
  • Exhibit 3-3: 2024 Market Share by Industry of VPP Process
  • Exhibit 3-4: 2017-2032 Market Forecast by Industry of VPP Process
  • Exhibit 3-5: 2024 Market Share by Material of VPP Process
  • Exhibit 4-1: 2024 Market Share by Region of BJ Process
  • Exhibit 4-2: 2017-2032 Regional Forecast of BJ Process
  • Exhibit 4-3: 2024 Market Share by Industry of BJ Process
  • Exhibit 4-4: 2024 Market Share by Industry of BJ Process
  • Exhibit 4-5: 2024 Market Share by Material of BJ Process
  • Exhibit 5-1: 2024 Market Share by Region of MJ Process
  • Exhibit 5-2: 2017-2032 Regional Forecast of MJ Process
  • Exhibit 5-3: 2024 Market Share by Industry of MJ Process
  • Exhibit 5-4: 2017-2032 Market Forecast by Industry of MJ Process
  • Exhibit 5-5: 2024 Market Share by Material of MJ Process
  • Exhibit 6-1: Market Share by Region of ME Process
  • Exhibit 6-2: 2017-2032 Regional Forecast of ME Process
  • Exhibit 6-3: 2024 Market Share by Industry of ME Process
  • Exhibit 6-4: 2017-2032 Market Forecast by Industry of ME Process
  • Exhibit 6-5: 2024 Market Share by Material of ME Process